Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to School :(

We made these at the end of the school year,
but I think they could be an equally great way
to start the year off too!

Take some containers you've been saving, you know the
ones that get sweet Farmer Husband frustrated every
he opens the cupboard and plastic tubs and tins come
raining down upon him? Those ones. They work perfectly :)

Bake up your favorite batch of these.

Let sweet daughter decorate the tub for the best
bus driver ever!

Transform the tin with paper, ribbon and a little tag.
Easy, peasy, lemon squeesy!

Simple, inexpensive gifts that go a long way in showing
your appreciation...but make sure to bake a double
batch of the cookies otherwise you won't have enough
for the tins after you sneakily eat some yourself...I mean
you won't have any to enjoy yourself after you fill the tins ;)