Sunday, August 15, 2010

Better late than never???

So, after many not-so-subtle promptings from
my fellow divas, here is my submission for July's HCCC.
Yes, I know August is half-way over, but
better late than never is what they say.
However, in this case,
I'm not sure that is actually true.
This one may have well been better off as a never.

I'm not sure if I'm just not digging the colour combo,
the poufy lace bow, or that I just can't get the epic
gorgeousness of the card I CASE'd out of my head,
but this card definitely falls into the 'failed attempts' category.

Hopefully, my mojo will find its' way back to me, as I have
a whole bunch of cards on the waiting-to-be-made list.
I'll do my best to keep more up-to-date here on the blog-o.
Thanks for not giving up on me! Looking forward to your
visits and comments again. Take care!!


  1. Hey Angela,
    Dave and I peek in on your other blog once and a while, and he stumbled across this one for me. Great cards; thanks for the inspiration! I look forward to reconnecting with you again tomorrow!

  2. This card is awesome! You're too hard on yourself. Very pretty and subtle.
